Hair Proteins

hair proteins
We're sure you know that proteins are important to keep us healthy and functioning better, but did you know that there are also hair proteins? Here we explain what they are and what they are for.
Don't miss out on anything and learn to use them to your advantage to have healthy and fabulous hair.
What are proteins:
Proteins, like water, are what mainly make up our hair and play the leading role in protecting and caring for the structure and growth of the hair. When there is a lack of proteins, the hair becomes fragile, loses shine, weakens and falls out. .
what are they for?:
Its main function is to repair tissues to ensure good cellular functioning . Therefore, if we have a protein deficiency and they do not work properly, whether due to age problems, poor diet or external factors, we begin to lose hair or feel that it lacks shine and becomes more fragile.
How do we avoid losing hair protein? :
Although consuming a balanced diet helps us to ensure the proper functioning of proteins and amino acids, it is best to introduce products rich in protein to our daily routine, to help the hair strand recover its strength and shine directly.
How to differentiate if we need hydration or nutrition?:
Last month we taught you how to verify what type of porosity your hair is (if you still don't know, you can check the previous blog) this is very important to know if we need to nourish or hydrate, if your hair stayed at the bottom of the glass, your porosity It is high so you need to nourish your hair, if it floats on the surface it needs hydration and if it stays in the middle, the ideal is to alternate moisturizing and protein-rich products. Knowing this will not only save your pocket, it will also prevent you from damaging your hair. hair with incorrect hair routines.
What proteins do I need to apply to my hair?:
Keratin : Protein found in epithelial cells and covers the eternal and internal surface of the body, it is responsible for forming the tissues of hair, nails and the outer layer of the skin. When we use keratin treatments we repair and nourish the hair from the roots, returning its natural appearance while protecting it from eternal agents.
Collagen : It is one of the main components of the skin and bones and covers approximately 25% of the proteins in the human body. We can find it naturally in the skin, hair, nails and even in the muscles, as the years go by. Everything from the age of 25 to 30, the body reduces its natural production, which is why it is important to apply some external help, whether in treatments or supplements.
Hyaluronic Acid : Hyaluronic acid is glycosaminoglycan and is produced naturally in the connective tissue in our body and 50% is found in our skin, it has a vital role in moisture retention, it is part of the connective tissue of the body, the tissue of the scalp and hair follicles, like collagen, its natural production decreases with age, which is why its use in cosmetic products has gained strength in recent years.