Dandruff vs Dryness

Dandruff vs Dryness
It is very important that we do not confuse the presence of dandruff with dryness, since this confusion makes us use the wrong products and aggravate the problem.
Surely at some point in your life you have had small flakes on your scalp. Here we teach you how to differentiate when they occur due to dehydration or the presence of dandruff and what to do, but before getting into the topic you must understand that the scalp is just as Important than the rest of your body, your scalp regenerates approximately every 3 weeks, so it is important that you constantly hydrate it.
What is dryness?
Your skin has natural hydration and this occurs in the hair follicle and the sebaceous gland, which produces sebum, which keeps the scalp protected and the bacterial ecosystem healthy, which is why it is very important that this oil is produced in sufficient quantities.
When natural moisturization suffers some alteration or sufficient moisture is not produced or retained, it is much easier for some harmful substances to penetrate the scalp and small inflammations occur that cause irritation and itching. At this point we can say that we have a problem. of dryness which gives an unhealthy appearance to our hair.
What causes dryness?
There are several factors that can cause dryness, including some medical conditions such as atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, there is also genetics, hormonal changes or a poor diet, pollution, free radicals, stress, commercial shampoos, constant use of heat tools, excessive exposure to the sun, continuous use of swimming pools and the temperature of the shower water are also important factors in the appearance of dryness.
Symptoms of dryness
The most common are itching, redness, a feeling of tension in the skin and peeling, all these factors make the hair look dull and unhealthy, constantly scratching damages the scalp which can create another problem, hair loss.
What to do to end dryness?
First, avoid all possible scenarios that could cause it, such as sudden changes in temperature, excessive use of heat tools or swimming pools, avoid stressful situations, and pay more attention to our diet.
Use shampoos free of salts and parabens, as well as products that help us keep our scalp hydrated. At Nekane we have some products that can help you. The first is the chile and bergamot shampoo, which is a deep cleanser, helping the hair follicle to stay clean. Its use is recommended once a week, the second is the anti-hair loss lotion that helps moisturize the scalp since it contains D panthenol and promotes blood circulation. It is for daily use, even twice a day if necessary, shampoo and conditioner. coconut, are moisturizing shampoos for daily use, in the case of dermatitis and psoriasis remember that it is very important to follow your medical treatment to prevent your problem from worsening.
What is dandruff?
Dandruff is a common condition that affects 50% of the population and causes the skin of the scalp to peel , it is in a constant process of renewal in patients with dandruff, this process is accelerated, leaving a large amount of dead skin forming layers of dead tissue that become visible scales. It is not contagious or serious but it can be embarrassing and difficult to treat .
Dandruff symptoms
- Presence of seborrheic dermatitis in other areas of the body.
- Excess oil on the scalp.
- Dryness of the scalp.
- Living in places where there are many cold and dry or hot and humid days.
- Poor scalp hygiene.
- Excessive use of shampoo.
- Frequent use of gel or mousse in hair.
- Emotional stress.
- Allergy to some shampoos or cosmetics used on the hair.
- Psoriasis.
- Adolescence
How do you cure dandruff?
Dandruff is not a condition that has a cure but there are several effective treatments , however it is very common for it to reappear over the years.
That is why the ideal is that you go to a health professional such as a dermatologist so that they can give you an effective treatment that prevents its appearance for longer.
How to differentiate dryness from dandruff
It is very common for us to confuse them since they both present flaking, cause itching and irritation, during the renewal of the scalp dead cells are shed and are not so easy to see, however, as we already said in the case of dandruff These scales are visible and can be white or yellowish. In the case of dryness, the scales appear after scratching the head. In the case of dandruff, their presence is easier to see even without manipulating the scalp.
Ideally, you should go to the dermatologist regularly to check the health of your scalp as well as the rest of your body.
Do you have doubts about it? Comments are enabled so you can leave us your doubts which will be answered in our next podcast by a health professional.