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What happens to hair during pregnancy and postpartum?

It is very common that when you are pregnant they tell you to take advantage of your hair because you will miss it postpartum, the reality is that the majority of women have felt an improvement in their hair during pregnancy and it feels healthier

However, it is not because the hair is growing or getting thicker than usual. What happens is that changes in hormonal levels cause the hair to remain in a resting phase, which causes less hair to be lost daily. This is due to the presence of placental hormones that alter the hair follicle, this causes make your hair look super healthy. In most cases, but these hormones can also work against you, doing the opposite and giving you weak and very greasy hair. If this is the case, don't worry, it will only last a few months.

The ideal is to follow your doctor's recommendations, eat balanced, take your vitamins and stay very hydrated during your pregnancy, your skin and hair will thank you, remember to use shampoos free of salts and parabens.

We already talked about what happens to your hair during pregnancy, now let's get to the most interesting part, what happens when the baby is born?

One of the most obvious transformations of a mother during postpartum is the abundant loss of hair.

This is due to postpartum telogen effluvium, this process can last a few weeks or even several months after childbirth.

In some cases it is so striking that it could be said that hair loss after pregnancy happens suddenly , but in reality this is not the case, since it is a progressive process that lasts several months, and yes , the amount of hair triples. hair that is lost under normal conditions , since all the hair that did not fall out during pregnancy falls out.

Generally, postpartum hair loss lasts around 16 weeks, in some cases it may be less, in others a few weeks longer after that time the hair and its loss cycle returns to normal.

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether breastfeeding influences telogen effluvium and the reality is that, NO, breastfeeding does not influence hair loss at all. All women suffer, to a greater or lesser extent, from postpartum hair loss ; it is a physiological process that cannot be avoided.

If you experience postpartum hair loss, don't worry, it is a completely normal process caused by the notable increase and subsequent decrease in hormonal levels . After a few months you will begin to notice how your hair recovers its usual growth and strength.

If the situation continues beyond 10 months after childbirth, we recommend that you go to the dermatologist.

Because three times as much hair is lost and sometimes gaps can be seen, especially in the front part, which is where a lot of hair enters the Anagen phase and begins to grow, it is very important to help strengthen that "new" hair so that it can move to the next phase normally.
