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Reasons for hair loss

The issue of hair loss has always been a topic of concern and alert since every day we see how we leave hair on the brush or find hair on the floor. the pillow and the bath and that causes us concern even though it is normal for us to lose 50 to 100 hairs per day and it happens to all of us, so don't feel alone or alone in this process.

Hair loss can cause us worry, an issue of insecurity and affect our self-esteem, which is why it is important to know when it stops being normal and what to do to prevent or stop the problem, but for all this it is important to find the causes of the loss. When hair loss is normal it is considered alopecia.

Did you know that there are different types of alopecia?

Androgenic alopecia : Also known as baldness, it is the most common, affecting 50% of men over 40 years of age and 10% of women. Its cause is mainly due to hereditary factors, aging or hormonal problems such as hyper or hypothyroidism, this type Alopecia, being genetic, has no cure but you can prevent and treat it.

Alopecia areata : It is the second most common type of alopecia, it is due to problems with the immune system and is distinguished by patchy hair loss. This type of alopecia can come and go and in most cases the hair grows back. no problem.

Fibrosing alopecia : It is a type of frontal alopecia and affects mostly women and its cause is still unknown but is mainly attributed to hormonal problems. Its most common characteristic is that it occurs on the front in the shape of a headband.

Traumatic Alopecia : This occurs when we go through a physical or mental trauma, prolonged tension causes inflammation in the follicles which weakens the hair until it falls out.

Diffuse Alopecia : It is one of the reversible alopecias, that is, it is cured, and it occurs randomly. Its causes always come hand in hand with abrupt weight loss without accompaniment, anemia and malnutrition, and even hormonal problems.

Scarring Alopecia : This is one of the most aggressive alopecia, the hair follicles are destroyed, generating a thickening of the skin, causing a scar that prevents the appearance of new hair in the area. Its causes are trauma, bacterial or fungal infections, viral processes, tumors or autoimmune diseases such as lupus.

Universal Alopecia : It is baldness due to an autoimmune disease that attacks the hair follicles, preventing any hair from being generated. In this type of alopecia, the patient's antibodies attack the hair follicle until it is completely eliminated. It is characterized by affecting all hair and hair on the body, including eyebrows, eyelashes, scalp, and any place where hair exists, without exceptions.

Stress Alopecia : Stress and nerves can cause half to three quarters of the hair on the scalp to fall. It is a temporary loss that reappears if we manage to eliminate stress from our lives. We know that this may seem impossible, but we can look for different activities to keep our mental health in balance.

Alopecia affects men and women equally, in order to determine if we have any of the ones mentioned here, the ideal is to go to a specialist when we believe that hair loss exceeds 50 to 100 hairs per day, maintain a balanced diet and prevent using products free of salts and parabens
